30 August 2006

The Kernel Programming Language and the Quest for Simplicity

I've been reading with considerable interest about the Kernel programming language under development by John Shutt. Information and a PDF file are available here.

I am not sure I fully understand the implications and details of his $vau and $wrap constructions, but I strongly support his goals, and the rest of his report kept me, literally, awake half the night reading it. Shutt writes:

...the mandate of the Kernel language is to have a clean design, flowing from a broad design philosophy as refined by a series of more specific design guidelines --- just one of which is that all manipulable entities should be first-class.

He is trying to create a Scheme-like language which is even more uniform, predictable, and configurable than R5RS Scheme.

I don't have a Ph.D. in the programming language field, so bear with me if my terminology is a little vague. It seems that the big thing Shutt is attempting is to give fine-grained control over evaluation, essentially separating out the parameter-evaluation stage of a lambda call into a distinct and fully configurable stage. This means you can do more clever things with objects without evaluating them. I think it also points you towards macro-like constructions that don't lead off into the existing slightly swampy maze of different Scheme macro implementations. It also could be a more explicit and flexible means of handling the need for quoting.

On top of that he is also doing a number of slightly smaller things (on the scale of theoretical complexity), but which I think are great.

For instance, Shutt has in his design very explicit rules for what to do with cyclic structures, a.k.a. infinite lists. While in some situations creating these would be considered an error, in others they make perfect sense: for example, in creating trees that describe recursive-descent parsing. Therefore, giving a sensible semantics to handling cyclic structures is a sensible and intriguing thing to do. If you want to write functions which aren't willing to handle cyclic structures, you can use one of his predicates to check for that possibility.

He also has addressed a number of minor irritants which don't require a deep understanding of the lambda calculus to appreciate. For instance, he proposes that boolean evaluation should never be implicit: that is, if you want to evaluate something as a boolean value, you have to use a predicate on it to generate a boolean value, and compare it to true or false. In other words, no more "anything not explicitly false is not true" or "false is false, and nil is false, but anything else is true, and true is true" or other bizarre variant on this theme.

As someone who switches languages a lot, I have always tried to make my boolean evaluations absolutely explicit to avoid the potential confusion that implicit evaluation can bring. For example, I always write (pedantically) in C++:

if ( false == stack.full() ) {

In addition, he has addressed the question "if everything in Scheme has a value, what is the value of a control structure?" To make this explicit he proposes an immutable value called inert, somewhat analagous to void in C/C++, and which is an explicit type and which even has explict external representation.

There's lots more great stuff in Shutt's draft report and it addresses many of the weaknesses that make Scheme implementations so maddeningly inconsistent. Read it, study it, live it. I am looking forward to Shutt's doctoral thesis and I hope that there is one day very soon a freely available implementation of Kernel to try out!

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